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Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Seattle, Elevāt is an internationally recognized Internet of Things (IOT) SaaS (software as a Service) leader providing machine-to-cloud solutions.

By connecting machinery to the cloud. manufacturers, dealers, and equipment users can build a virtuous cycle providing machine insight, predictive maintenance and just in time parts providing tremendous operational and logistics savings for OEM’s Fleets and Governments.

Elevat also provides the ability to remotely update Software allowing machine operators, and manufacturers to leverage sensed data and to make real-time business decisions reducing downtime and optimize productivity offering an unparalleled ROI.

Elevat’s ability to collect any type of machine data is becoming critical to the development and deployment of next generation machines as well as electrification, autonomous vehicles, machine learning and is indispensable for AI.

Problem They’re Solving

Most machine worldwide are not connected to the cloud meaning owners are blind to critical data such as machine location, health, real world use, working conditions and overall performance, all of which led to inefficiencies costing billions annually.

It Is not possible to improve what Is not measured, Elevāt makes connecting any machine anywhere in the world easy and real time sensed data delivery possible via a variety of world class partners.

Where They Are Headed

Elevāt’s industry leading turn-key data acquisition SaaS solution enables machine builders, operators, and machine users to manage and improve machine performance, maintenance, and operator efficiencies for machines anywhere in the world, providing a ROI that nothing else can.

Elevāt reduces overhead via predictive maintenance, enhanced machine performance via software upgrades and JIT parts supply. Data generated by Elevāt opens the entire machine supply chain ecosystem to new possibilities and fundamentally alters the relationship between machine builders, operators, and parts suppliers.

Elevat makes the next generation of machines possible and is indispensable for machine learning and AI. Machinery manufacturers are increasingly expected to provide ongoing software updates driving the need for Elevat’s solution.

Our largest opportunities are replacing in house solutions with Elevat’s industry leading solution.

Opportunity Highlights

Management Team

William Hill , Founder & CEO

Owner & CEO of Western Integrated Technologies. 40+ yr entrepreneur with 10+ acquisitions and over $ 1B in industrial sales.

Adam Livesay Founder & CCO

Led Electronic Controls & Software Division at large western US distributor 10+ Years of Industrial Manufacturing Experience; Deployed 100+ successful Industrial IoT solutions.

Jeb Garcia , VP Engineering

Led Product Engineering at Hitachi for 9 years and received Hitachi’s highest technical engineering award.

Hugh Zinsmeyer VP of Sales

20+ years of Industrial & Mobile Off-highway Automation experience and 10 years of experience delivering IoT solutions.

Josh Dresher, Director of OEM Sales

20+ Years experience in customer-facing technical roles for 2 different corporations Led Division Sales team of mobile electronic control company, with sales totaling $160MM+.


Key Metrics

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