WiProbe Sensor Innovations
- Location : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Sector : Wireless Sensors Design and Manufacturing
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WiProbe Sensor Innovations designs and manufacturers battery operated wireless sensors for industrial and commercials applications spanning multiple markets.
The company’s focus is on gas pressure, open/close detector, security, construction, logistics, pipeline monitoring, acoustic level SPL, agricultural, food and beverage, motor failure predictive, smart cities, air quality, utilities, scientific applications, ambient light measurement etc.
Platform Inflexibility. Limited options to the consumer with short battery life & Limited sensors are the key issues in the market.
WiProbe Sensor Innovations is providing the ability to remotely measure in real time physical parameters – wirelessly and self powered.
Wireless Probe with up 15 Km of range and Innovative energy architecture with up to 25-year battery life.
Platform flexibility & Compact size.
The company is headed for explosive growth in the wireless sensor IoT space. Expanding our portfolio of sensors, gateways and SaaS. Our innovative systems architecture addresses a broad market thus enabling high volumes sales.
The data we will generate, where the value is, will allow industry to be more efficient, more productive, safer and pro-active. And solve problems which are very difficult or impossible to solve with wired solutions.
There is a huge opportunity in the market as the IoT Sensor Market is Projected to be $29.6B by 2026.
25 years of hardware design experience and entrepreneur. Frank has a broad range of hardware design experience with analog, digital, MCU, RF, PCB and schematic design, telephony radio and wireless technologies. His business experience includes launching several companies in high performance computing, computer retail, tourism and technology. Frank spent 14+ years at BNR and over 10 years at several local high technology firms in the Kanata High Tech park.
Paul is an experienced Unix software and database developer with 20 years of experience. He has designed scalable distributed cloud-based data platform and high-performance Software-as-a-Service systems.